
New Study Shows Promising Colon Cancer Blood Test

Colorectal cancer, which is one of the deadliest forms of cancer, will affect around 1 in 22 men and 1 in 24 women in our lifetime. While there are numerous links between hereditary and lifestyle risks of developing colon cancer, there are still unknown risks with the disease. Recently, researchers in France discovered a new link between onset colorectal cancer.


Hôpitaux Universitaires Henri Mondor’s Dr. Iradj Sobhani and the University Paris-Est Créteil conducted research in a mice model that shows the correlation between onset colorectal cancer and the dysbiosis, a sensitive gut microbiota.


The study was conducted based on previous research that showed a link between gut microbes and onset colon cancer. The study covered 136 mice, which had stool samples from nine people with sporadic colon cancer or nine people without colon cancer.


The mice that had samples from those with sporadic colon cancer had traces of dysbiosis and precancerous lesions. The results of the research prompted the group to develop a non-invasive blood test to screen for dysbiosis.


The researchers were able to link their blood test in preliminary studies, but will run larger trials to ensure it can be implemented on a larger scale. The non-invasive blood test is a promising step forward in helping to diagnose those that will develop colon cancer without a predisposed risk factor.


Stay up-to-date on other colorectal cancer news and research with the Colon Cancer Foundation blog.


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